Our Mission
Equipping educators and students for success
Our Vision
We will enhance education to help people lead better, more productive lives.

Priorities & Programs
Educational Leadership
Scholarship & Mentorship
Teacher Training
Building Physical Plant Capacity
Incentivizing Educators
Operating Principles
As an operating foundation, 80% of our spending will be on programs that we initiate
We will do the right thing as a matter of principle, not just observance of policy
We will operate with the highest ethical standards in all regards
We help people who can help themselves
We will emphasize the value of education, work and family
We will inspire a sense of confidence & optimism in young people so that they can have agency in their lives
We will keep our overhead costs low
We will be considered an exemplary partner for every organization with which we work
We will minimize the amount that our Foundation advantages friends or family
We will support programs that build resilience in students and teachers
We will always be respectful of all our partners and associates
We will focus on financial sustainability in our Foundation and our programs
Our programs and we will be goal-driven
Our programs and we will demonstrate measurable results
We believe in offering people opportunities to better themselves and their families
We will manage our resources in a responsible manner
We will manage our Foundation and programs with joy, hope and optimism
We will always “think big”